Medici Archive Project

The Medici Archive Project is a research institute based in the Archivio di Stato in Florence, Italy since 1995.[1] MAP is recognized as a non-profit foundation 501(c) (3) in the United States and as a non-profit cultural organization in Italy.[2][3] Researchers at the Medici Archive Project study documents within the Medici Grand Ducal Archival Collection (Mediceo del Principato), which comprises over four-million letters distributed in 6,429 volumes, spanning the years 1537 to 1743 from the time of Cosimo I de' Medici to Anna Maria Luisa de' Medici, sister of Gian Gastone. Teams of post-doctoral researchers enter original language extracts accompanied by English synopses from documents into a fully searchable database Documentary Sources for the Arts and Humanities, 1537 to 1743. The Documentary Sources database comprises over 21,000 letters, 13,000 new biographical entries, and 80,000 geographical and topographical tags.


  1. ^ Ruark, Jennifer K. (16). "He's Got Mail: a Scholar's Campaign to Unearth the Writings of the Medicis". Chronicle of Higher Education. No. 23 Vol.XLVII. 
  2. ^ Hans Cools,Marika Keblusek,Badeloch Noldus (2006). Your humble servant: agents in early modern Europe. Uitgeverij Verloren. pp. 77. 
  3. ^ "European History Primary Sources". Medici Archive Project. 

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